Monday, August 30, 2010

Metro rail - The worst

Now a Days metro has become the worst rail, not just because it get stop in between the stations. But also because there is no set of rules for the metro railway. Generally the swarm used to enter the metro and people dig the places to find a suitable and comfortable place in the train. But this has become a night mare for many people. The platform like rajiv chowk are always over crowded and it is good for the pick pocketers but not for all. In this way metro is not at all save to travel with some good amount in such a stampede. Many people board the metro from Rajiv Chowk or from kashmeri gate and i have observed the security is not to alert, so in a way you have to take care of all your belongingness.
If i say the security is bit strict at crowded places but what about the less crowded places there police feel free to talk, to roam, to wander etc. i would like to applaud you all for bearing all the mess in the Metro. These all things should get improve before CWG. People should get an alert alarm while travelling, so that when something happen in a wrong way they get to know.
A metro needs to be improve in all the way like today 99% of ladies are not save in the metro. there should also be a separate compartment for the ladies where they can feel comfortable and save.

Think positive to get good in Common wealth Games

Common wealth games are going to start from 3rd October 2010, so it will leave a good impact in the country. From all over the world different countries are going to perform in CWG so there would be a high scope to prove over worth to them, there would be a high security and Indians will get the benefit of this. This could be the right time where we can leave our impact in the minds of the international players . If we all unite and personified ourselves in CWG then all the path will going to be open for us. Till the time we can try to put our efforts in CWG by keeping our " Delhi green and clean".

The quintessence of India is the religion of India, The Indian religion is always good and is always welcomed by others. The path will be open from October but the main thing is how we can utilize all the zones as one. It totally depend on us that how many fruits we can get out of it.

Feel proud to be Indian